
It's been a while since I lasted blog and with good reason, I have had nothing to say.
I still have nothing, but Hillary tells me I promised her another blog, so here it goes...

  • Life shouldn't be this unfair.
  • School is back in session and it is already kicking my butt.
  • I promise to be more organzied and more on top of homework this semester.
  • I am glad that Meredith is back in my life.
  • Law and Order: SVU marathons keep me from getting distracted. Weird.
  • Ponce 115 is adorable.
  • I miss you and this sucks. (its finally starting to hit me)
  • This format is 100% stolen from Miss Hillary Drew Who. :) (not anymore I changed it alittle)
  • There are many people I miss terribly now that I am back at school.
  • But this doesn't mean that I am not happy here.
  • Cooking is my new hobby and I miss having a kitchen to cook in.
  • I know this is short, but its a start.

Move to come...

... must get back to homework. :(


people watching

have you ever caught yourself somewhere and you begin to watch the workings of the people around you? that is what i am doing now. 

i am currently at Wendy's, waiting on someone and as i look around the people here are fascinating. 

there are many couples here that are not even speaking to one another. i never want to be in a relationship, any type of relationship with anyone who i am not able to carry on a conversation with over lunch. this is just sad. 

next, we find parents here with their children. the kids running around like they on the place, not even paying any attention to their parents. i find this to be very wrong. i mean, i know when i was little i didn't always listen to everything my mom said but watching the kids here, makes me feel very sorry for their parents and mine, for having to put with misbehaving children. 

the other category here are the people here by themselves. sitting here staring around or down at there food looking very lonely. a lot of them are older people, who make you wonder what they have in their life. do they work? do they have any family? how did they end up at wendy's on a friday afternoon eating alone? these types of people are the ones that my heart always goes out to. sometimes, i have the urge to just go up to them and sit down and strike up a conversation. but nowadays that would be weird and i would probably get yelled at. 

so it comes down to everyone mechanically, going through the motions of getting their food, eating it and leaving. not interacting with anyone else here but somehow making this restaurant work in the way it is suppose to. or maybe i'm just over thinking the situation...


sometimes things aren't what they seem.

i love you, i swear.

please trust me. please.

you are my favorite ever. please know that.

why cant i say no?

i am afraid of getting hurt, but this time i am willing to open up. so don't screw me over.

Yay! for my computer getting fixed. :)

Boo! for it cost so much. :(

only 3 more weekends.

i will be sad when the show is over. it has been a good run, guys.

H- you make me so happy. you are not a stupid girl.

i'm tried disappointing people but people need to learn that i can not be everywhere at once.

i need better time management skills.

i didn't want to like you at the beginning of the summer but i'm glad you have become part of our group of friends.

J-thank you for all the hard work you put into the show. i truly could not have done it without you.

i need to be nicer to people.

that's all for tonight...

(i think this was a good start)